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Monday, May 3, 2010

Graduation = Vacation!!!

Well.. my husband boy is growing up. :) He's graduating college on Saturday and I'm SO proud of him.. and SO relieved that at least one of us did it right.

(Reeeeeeeeeeeeally hope we see one of these. Not up close.. of course. But don't you kind of want to hug him?) 

After five years of rugged scholastic-ness, we've decided to celebrate by heading up the Pacific to ALASKA.

Pretty ding dang excited! I'm not even sure if the reality of the gorgeousness we'll be seeing has even set in yet, actually. We're taking off in about 6 weeks- flying up to Seattle and cruising out of the Seattle port. I've never been to Seattle and we'll be spending a day there... so that in itself ROCKS.

So ya.. just had to share the awesomeness with you. Hope everyone is having a great Monday.  {um.. is that even possible?!}


Kirsten said...

Yeahhhhhh!!! So excited for you guys! I wish we could cruise with ya! Have so much fun though! And congrats to Jake for the big GRADEATION!!! :-) Love ya!

McKinna said...

oh gosh! How FREAKIN' fun is that gonna be?! I Can't wait to see your amazing pics when you guys get home... what a beautiful place! & Seattle would be a blast as well!!!
Congrats again 2 Jakers!!!

chelle said...

You are gonna LOVE it! I'm SOOO jealous. Congrats Jake!!