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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Boot Camp

Well.. I've been doing boot camp. I started last Thursday and tonight was my fourth time. Oooooh my goodness, it's hard. I'm dying tonight... but hey, it'll be worth it, right? RIGHT??!! Oh, I hope so.. I'd love to look great in a swimsuit this summer. :)

It feels pretty good to be able to talk to Jake about the woes of physical training. He wants to die every day running as much as they do up at the academy. He is killer at running, but he doesn't really enjoy it at all. Ha ha.. and I'm right there with him. We did cardio last night at boot camp and I've never ran that much in my life. So I'm feeling pretty sore these days.. but it does feel really good to actually be DOING something. And I'm hoping I can see some great results soon.

Anyway, just wanted to pop in to say hello... now I'm going to go pop some Ibuprofen. Woot!

Friday, February 8, 2013

August? Really?

Hello.. wow, so much has gone down since August! I thought I'd get better at this blog thing, but I guess I'm just progressively getting worse.

Aw well..

So let's see if I can recap a bit:

October: Moved to Las Vegas, Jake starts a new job working for the state, Lauren starts a new job as an Orthodontic Assistant

November: I turned 28.. and I literally just had to stop and count the years to make sure it was actually 28 and not 27. It's late... and I'm still a little terrified of the fact that I'm 28.

December: We bought our first home!!! Big freaking deal right there... it wasn't the easiest process, but we absolutely love it.

January: Jake left for POST academy in Carson City for 4 months. FOUR MONTHS. Just wanted to make sure y'all got that. It's a very long time. He's been gone a couple weeks now, but is currently driving the 8 hours home for the weekend! I can't tell you how excited I am... Ruby too. She's missed him something fierce.

We're also VERY close to getting our adoption profile up on LDSFS's website!!! So this link over here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
will actually take you to it hopefully very soon!

We have really enjoyed being back in Las Vegas.. surprisingly. Maybe it's just the fact that we now have our own place... and can finally get back into the adoption journey! I really hope everything can just fall into place and that we can find our baby soon.

Here are some photos from the last couple months. Enjoy!

xo Lauren