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Monday, May 17, 2010

Stabbing Sensation...

'That's so Dexter of you, Lauren'. Okay so the title of this post has nothing to do with serial killers that can't help themselves when it comes to bad guys...
It's just been a day.
And really I was referring to the knot in my back that decided to take up residence on some nerve.. pinching it to death and causing me extreme pain. A frequent stabbing sensation every time I tried to move.
This was resolved on Friday, but the ache is still there to remind me of how utterly useless I was most of the day on Friday. Love those things that're completely out of your control... and just happen to suck. Bad. And on my day off with perfect weather.
End complaining.

The day has been busy, but productive and I'm wishing I could go home and play guitar for a few hours tonight.
No, I don't play the guitar very well and no, I don't play it very often.
But I'd like to.. and I wish I did. :)
Would be a good evening for it...

In other news, I'm reading an interesting book called The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. Mum suggested I read it (she made me).
She isn't a weirdy (not completely..) so when she visited last week and kept mentioning this book and how it impacted her... "If I hadn't read this book I'd look around this place (full of old memories..) and feel angst and a little sadness... but now I can look around and remember what great, positive experiences I had and how funny, sweet life is" (Yes.. this continued for most of the weekend)  I thought, why not? I could use some positive reinforcement when it comes to my thoughts.
I used to really be into books like The Four Agreements, The Mastery of Love, etc.. this book is similar as it helps you look at life a little differently.
Like Cotton

I've been going through a few rough spots the last year or so... and have watched family members go through some as well... and I find myself getting down quite frequently. But lately I've had this feeling that won't go away.. kind of like the stabbing sensation that was too strong to ignore... to re-evaluate my life and how I should go about living it.
The book is just kind of fun, interesting to read... I know I'm the one who really needs to let go of some things and choose not to let stress get me down. No book is going to magically make the stress disappear (oh how i wish).. but it's nice to have a reminder that it's up to me to change things. Or to change the way I'm interpretting things.
Anyways.. just wanted to share some words on this subject. Have a lovely week, okay?

xo Lauren

Monday, May 3, 2010

Graduation = Vacation!!!

Well.. my husband boy is growing up. :) He's graduating college on Saturday and I'm SO proud of him.. and SO relieved that at least one of us did it right.

(Reeeeeeeeeeeeally hope we see one of these. Not up close.. of course. But don't you kind of want to hug him?) 

After five years of rugged scholastic-ness, we've decided to celebrate by heading up the Pacific to ALASKA.

Pretty ding dang excited! I'm not even sure if the reality of the gorgeousness we'll be seeing has even set in yet, actually. We're taking off in about 6 weeks- flying up to Seattle and cruising out of the Seattle port. I've never been to Seattle and we'll be spending a day there... so that in itself ROCKS.

So ya.. just had to share the awesomeness with you. Hope everyone is having a great Monday.  {um.. is that even possible?!}