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Monday, April 28, 2008


We adopted our very first Casto baby on Saturday. Her name is Bug and she's a tabby/bengal mixed kitten. She is so incredibly cute... we're pretty stoked about the addition to our family! So in a couple of years, when we get a house with a yard, we'll probably adopt a weimaraner puppy into the fam... then after taking care of those two, we might be ready for a baby human being. I don't know, though. : ) Guess we'll see! I'll get some pics posted on here when I learn how to do it.


Ben & Kirsten said...

YAY! Welcome to blogging! I'll walk you through how to do some stuff! But I'm glad you have one now! I'm excited to see pictures of BUG!!! :) Love ya!



matt . lori . maya . daisy . olivia said...

Lauren! I am so excited you have a blog!!! Since I missed out on your wedding I would love to see some pics!!! Please!!! oh yea and of Bug!!!